Double Vision: One Room in House Gives Her the Creeps

I have this strange feeling that we need to move from our current home. I feel like there is so much negative energy here dragging my family down. The house seems dark all the time; one room in the house in particular really scares me. We do not use the room as I don’t want […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“The best feeling is when someone appreciates everything about you that someone else took for granted.” This is best summed up by a very close friend of mine who had been in a relationship with a man who was very controlling mentally towards her. He lost no opportunity in belittling her or verbally chastising her. […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Anger is a feeling that makes your mouth work faster.” Much, much faster and our poor brain is probably in panic mode, desperately trying to get the message, “Please don’t speak until I sort this out” through to us. Do we listen? Probably not. Anger is the fuel which stokes the flames of our vocabulary […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“The best feeling is when someone appreciates everything about you that someone else took for granted.” This is best summed up by a very close friend of mine who had been in a relationship with a man who was very controlling mentally towards her. He lost no opportunity in belittling her or verbally chastising her. […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Anger is a feeling that makes your mouth work faster.” Much, much faster and our poor brain is probably in panic mode, desperately trying to get the message, “Please don’t speak until I sort this out” through to us. Do we listen? Probably not. Anger is the fuel which stokes the flames of our vocabulary […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“The best feeling is when someone appreciates everything about you that someone else took for granted.” This is best summed up by a very close friend of mine who had been in a relationship with a man who was very controlling mentally towards her. He lost no opportunity in belittling her or verbally chastising her. […]
Taking Your Emotional Temperature

An excerpt from Feeling Better by Cindy Stulberg and Ronald Frey, PhD I know a successful tennis player who always checks his heart rate before he serves. He knows that if his pulse is too high, he’s much more likely to fault on the serve and risk losing a point. Consistently (and discreetly) checking his […]
Taking Your Emotional Temperature

An excerpt from Feeling Better by Cindy Stulberg and Ronald Frey, PhD I know a successful tennis player who always checks his heart rate before he serves. He knows that if his pulse is too high, he’s much more likely to fault on the serve and risk losing a point. Consistently (and discreetly) checking his […]
Taking Your Emotional Temperature
An excerpt from Feeling Better by Cindy Stulberg and Ronald Frey, PhD I know a successful tennis player who always checks his heart rate before he serves. He knows that if his pulse is too high, he’s much more likely to fault on the serve and risk losing a point. Consistently (and discreetly) checking his […]
Taking Your Emotional Temperature

An excerpt from Feeling Better by Cindy Stulberg and Ronald Frey, PhD I know a successful tennis player who always checks his heart rate before he serves. He knows that if his pulse is too high, he’s much more likely to fault on the serve and risk losing a point. Consistently (and discreetly) checking his […]