365 Days of Crystal Feng Shui for Your Home

365 Days of Crystal Feng Shui for Your Home, by Sandra Kynes (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The laying on of crystals, or crystal therapy, is a powerful way to align and balance the energy of our bodies. Even simply wearing crystals can have an effect on us. Similarly, through the placement of […]
Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships

Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships, by Master Denise Lotta Dennis (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Did you know that certain homes can support and ignite affairs, divorce, being bullied at work, conflict with family members, lawsuits, and other very unpleasant and disrupting events? Feng Shui techniques can find these […]
Using Feng Shui to Stage Your Home

Using Feng Shui to Stage Your Home, by Christine Ayers (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Feng shui has been used to make homes more welcoming for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. In selling a home, this factor alone can make the difference for a quick sale. If your home has been sitting […]
Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships

Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships, by Denise Liotta Dennis (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Did you know that certain homes can support and ignite affairs, divorce, being bullied at work, conflict with family members, lawsuits, and other very unpleasant and disrupting events? Feng Shui techniques can find these possible […]
Using Feng Shui to Enhance Romance

Using Feng Shui to Enhance Romance, by Maria Shaw (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Using the ancient art of Feng Shui is a unique tool to attract love and romance. More and more people are delving into the study and how it can help them create passion in their current relationships or draw […]