Five Myths (and Five Truths) about the Twin Flame Relationship

Five Myths (and Five Truths) about the Twin Flame Relationship, by Leslie Sampson (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The sacred concept of twin flames is one that is surrounded with a lot of different definitions, ideas, and methods. It can be confusing when you begin on your journey. You will find so many […]
Five Myths (and Five Truths) about the Twin Flame Relationship

Five Myths (and Five Truths) about the Twin Flame Relationship, by Leslie Sampson (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The sacred concept of twin flames is one that is surrounded with a lot of different definitions, ideas, and methods. It can be confusing when you begin on your journey. You will find so many […]
Double Vision: Objects Disappear and Reappear at Random

Around five years ago, my husband gave me a lovely pair of diamond earrings. Last morning morning, I lost one of them. I was in my bathroom at my sink and I took the earring off to clean it. I always close the drain so it doesn’t drop down it. As I dried it with […]
Double Vision: EVP Work Leads to Negative Experiences

Five years ago, my gift changed from seeing spirit to hearing spirit. At that time in my life, I was feeling pretty low. I did EVP work without protecting myself because at that time, I didn’t know it was important. Because I was feeling so low, I attracted low level spirits. Now, five years later, […]
Which Element Are You? Discovering the Five Elements to Find, Make, and Keep Lasting Love

Which Element Are You? Discovering the Five Elements to Find, Make, and Keep Lasting Love, by Leta Herman & Jaye McElroy (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Whether you’re currently in a long-term, committed relationship, or just beginning your soul mate search, romantic partners can be confusing. Perhaps you connect fantastically with your new […]
Five Life Lessons I’ve Learned from Doing Magic

Five Life Lessons I’ve Learned from Doing Magic, by Misha Magdalene (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) In modern magical discourse, we spend a lot of time discussing how practitioners should approach the practice of magic, and these discussions are often framed in terms of two viewpoints, which form the ends of a spectrum. […]