Double Vision: Are Author’s Characters Real in Some Dimension?
I’m a writer of children’s fiction and have long wondered about the curious and fascinating relationship that builds up with my characters during the writing of a book. I have guardian angels and spirit guides, and I communicate with them in much the same way that I would communicate with the characters I write about. […]
Double Vision: Psychic Groupies and Free Loaders
I have a problem that I’m sure you two have a lot of experience with. I’m a medium/clairvoyant, but I try not to let everyone know this for a number of reasons. While of course there are concerns that people will think I’m weird, the hardest thing for me to deal with is being swamped […]
Double Vision: Is it Unspiritual to Desire Fame and Fortune?
I have always had this feeling that I was meant to be rich and famous, but it’s never come true. I realized something today: Maybe this is what I’m looking for in a man – someone who is powerful and wealthy. On the other hand, I want to be the one who has the freedom […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.” Occasionally, we need to realise that there is just no point in railing against Fate, Karma etc, because of the suffering or disappointment we may be experiencing because of it. Nothing will change as a result of us feeling chagrined […]
Double Vision: Recurring Dreams of Particular a Past Life
I have been dreaming about a place that I have never been that feels so familiar. Often in these dreams I’m working on a farm, and sometimes I’m walking in town where I go to people’s houses. I remember train tracks that lead to the barn and the stables. I know one of the horses […]
Double Vision: Knocking Antique Furniture?
I am a Leo born 8/22/1957. I have ash wood night tables that I bought from an antique store. They were made sometime in the 1950’s. After I moved to a new house and was in the midst of a very destructive relationship, I started to hear clicking, creaking and tapping sounds coming from them. […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.” There will be times in all our lives when we will feel unfairly done by. I’m sure it’s nothing personal on the part of the Universe, just how things are. It’s up to us, as individuals, to learn to accept […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Do what you can with what you have, where you are.” Oh, I do! Hopefully, you do too? Realistically, that’s all any of us can do isn’t it? Nothing else for it but to get on with things. It would be great to think that each and every one of us realises the gifts we […]
Double Vision: Soul Retrieval to Heal Old Abuse?
I have a question about my path with abuse. I grew up knowing about the divinity available, but I was paralyzed by fear and pain because of the sexual abuse I experienced. As this is sadly a common experience among women, I decided to volunteer for a related organization. What is it about women who […]
Double Vision: Seeing Numbers in Threes
I have a tendency to see numbers in groups of three, for example on license plates, digital clocks, calendars. I especially see triple two’s, such as when a clock reads 2:22 p.m. Is there a meaning to this? It feels like I’m supposed to be paying attention to something. I’ve been wondering about this since […]