Double Vision: Did Coworker Put a Love Spell on Her?

I was born May 29. I have many reasons to believe a man put a strong love spell on me. After not having much contact with him for several years, out of the blue I found myself constantly thinking and dreaming of him. I thought this would fade, but the thoughts and dreams just got […]

Double Vision: Attacked by a Disembodied Hand

I have a rich dream life and usually have an out of body experience a couple of times each week. The other morning, I was in the familiar state just prior to leaving my body when I felt something like an astral hand caressing my leg. Since it felt amazingly good, I let it keep […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“When something bad happens you have three choices, you can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” We don’t have any control about the bad things that happen to us all at times but we do have a choice as to how we deal with them. […]

Double Vision: Depression? Or something else?

I have never been a very happy person, but lately things are getting much worse. I am often overcome by feelings of rage, am constantly irritable, and have been growing more and more depressed. My boyfriend says that when I get angry, my voice and face change so that it’s like I’m not even the […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Sometimes you have to let go of what’s gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what’s coming next.” Yes, those are the days a gratitude list is in order. To break the hold a loss can hold over us, we need to refocus on what we still have, and be grateful. Expressing our […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.” Seems obvious doesn’t it? However, sometimes it takes a long time for people to come to this realisation as their focus has always been on what they have. Sadly, this may only change when they lose someone they love […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Respect yourself if you would have others respect you.” Now, this is something we should all pay attention to. By instilling and maintaining your own sense of self-respect, which is how the world perceives you, earns you mutual respect in return. You don’t need to be a mastermind to realise this do you? Think positively […]

Double Vision: Psychic Toddlers

I have a two-year-old son and a four-year-old son, and both have at different times relayed messages from their deceased Uncle Bob. The two-year-old, Xander, recently woke up at 11:30 p.m. and refused to stop talking, saying My Uncle Bob! Uncle Bob has letter in bedroom. I need tell Gramma. Uncle Bob lay floor, Gramma […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had.” Unfortunately, for a great many of us, we don’t realise what we do have until it’s too late. Wishing we could turn back time in order to make amends and put things right isn’t an option. We’re always going to carry […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“The happiest people do not have the best of everything. They make the best of everything they have.” What a wonderful way to live your life isn’t it? Believing the best in other people, appreciating what you do have rather than bemoaning what you don’t? Our society seems totally fixated and focused on the latest […]