Double Vision: EMF Field?

Have you ever heard of an ECF field, or know what it is? I woke up in one a few weeks ago. It’s essentially like being inside a large spinning container that’s always there. On the container walls are what appears to be a magic circle symbol. The ECF spins counter-clockwise when I feel negative, […]
Double Vision: Walk-ins?

Have you ever heard of something called a “walk-in?” My friend said that someone told her that she had one. She said it was when another spirit came into her body to inhabit it for the rest of her bodily life. I asked her what the difference was between a walk-in and one’s own spirit […]
Double Vision: Do People Dream in Black and White? Or Color?

A while ago I heard that some people dream in black and white (at least some of the time), and that dreams in black and white have some special meaning but I don’t remember what it was. I can’t remember ever dreaming in black and white, but then recently, I was talking with a friend […]
Double Vision: Color Therapy

I’ve heard that colors carry energetic powers, and that people can use them to improve certain areas of their lives. I am wondering if you could shed some light on this and tell me what colors might help with my love life and my health. Leigha Susyn: Color therapy can have a powerful effect on […]
Double Vision: Is Phantom Doorbell Delivering Relationship Advice?

During the wee hours of this morning, I heard incessant doorbell ringing. My eyes flew open and my heart was racing. Naturally, when you hear a doorbell ringing during the middle of the night, you think it must be bad news. I shook it off and calmed down. I went back to sleep and another […]
Double Vision: Freemasons, Illuminati and the New World Order

I have heard talk that Obama is the anti-Christ and/or a mere pawn in the New World Order. Do your spirit guides have anything to say about Obama or about groups like the Illuminati or the Freemasons? What are your own thoughts about the idea that the world is secretly being run by a group […]
Double Vision: Another Intriguing Baby Monitor Scenario

Three nights ago, I awoke at 1:30 a.m. and heard what I thought was my 17-month-old coughing over the baby monitor. I went in to check on him but found him snuggled in his blankets, head on his pillow, apparently sound asleep. I waited and he never coughed, so I went back to bed. Immediately […]
Double Vision: Another Intriguing Baby Monitor Scenario
Three nights ago, I awoke at 1:30 a.m. and heard what I thought was my 17-month-old coughing over the baby monitor. I went in to check on him but found him snuggled in his blankets, head on his pillow, apparently sound asleep. I waited and he never coughed, so I went back to bed. Immediately […]
Double Vision: Another Intriguing Baby Monitor Scenario

Three nights ago, I awoke at 1:30 a.m. and heard what I thought was my 17-month-old coughing over the baby monitor. I went in to check on him but found him snuggled in his blankets, head on his pillow, apparently sound asleep. I waited and he never coughed, so I went back to bed. Immediately […]
Double Vision: Another Intriguing Baby Monitor Scenario

Three nights ago, I awoke at 1:30 a.m. and heard what I thought was my 17-month-old coughing over the baby monitor. I went in to check on him but found him snuggled in his blankets, head on his pillow, apparently sound asleep. I waited and he never coughed, so I went back to bed. Immediately […]