How and Why to Create Your Own Spellbook

How and Why to Create Your Own Spellbook, by Deborah Blake (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) For many witches, casting spells is a part of their practice of Witchcraft. It may be a large part, used for anything from prosperity to love to healing, or something that is only pulled out during times […]
How Base-12 Numerology Unlocks the Universal Wisdom of Twelve

How Base-12 Numerology Unlocks the Universal Wisdom of Twelve, by Michael Smith (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The Base-12 Connection Between Math, Nature, and Spirituality The number 12 serves many practical uses in our daily lives, including the way we track time (in twelve-hour clock cycles and years in twelve-month calendar cycles), measure […]
How the Mind of the Soul Establishes Wellbeing

How the Mind of the Soul Establishes Wellbeing, by Neale Lundgren, PhD (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The soul is always open to reveal itself to the sincere seeker. And because the soul is naturally positive and unpretentious, it projects a receiving spirit to all. As such, the soul can help us maintain […]
How to Develop Awareness of the Aura’s Different Layers

How to Develop Awareness of the Aura’s Different Layers, by Richard Webster (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) This exercise will help you become aware of your mental, emotional, and physical bodies. You will need approximately thirty minutes to perform this exercise. Make sure you will not be disturbed, and that the room is […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours.” So true! Not everybody will respond to you in the way you expect or hope when encountering them in life. We are all different and, as such, behave and react in our own unique way. However, while we can’t control other people’s behaviour […]
How to Create a Full Moon Tarot Altar Every Witch Way

How to Create a Full Moon Tarot Altar Every Witch Way, by Lilith Dorsey (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The time of the full moon is a highly magickal time. As this celestial body shines her glory down upon us, it gives us a great opportunity to both create sacred spaces and perform […]
How Numerology Illuminates the Dark Night of the Soul

How Numerology Illuminates the Dark Night of the Soul, by Michael Smith (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The “dark night of the soul” is a phrase, attributed to the 16th-century Spanish mystic and poet St. John of the Cross, used to describe the passage through darkness one often takes in the journey towards […]
How the Mind of the Soul Establishes Wellbeing

How the Mind of the Soul Establishes Wellbeing, by Neale Lundgren, PhD (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The soul is always open to reveal itself to the sincere seeker. And because the soul is naturally positive and unpretentious, it projects a receiving spirit to all. As such, the soul can help us maintain […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours.” So true! Not everybody will respond to you in the way you expect or hope when encountering them in life. We are all different and, as such, behave and react in our own unique way. However, while we can’t control other people’s behaviour […]
Double Vision: Getting Help for Grief from Spirit Guides

How can my spirit guides help me handle my grief and depression over the loss of my son? My son’s first birthday would have been a few days ago. I thought I was handling his death fairly well, but now I seem to be slipping into a very dark period and I’m not sure how […]