Double Vision: Are my intuitions about hubby and coworker on the mark?

My name is Christine. My husband (a Virgo) and I (a Libra) work together, and I have been feeling like he and one of our coworkers are getting closer than they should. When I ask him about it, he says he loves me and I am the only one. Do you think I could be […]
Double Vision: Long Married Couple has Grown Apart

My husband and I are in our seventies. We’ve been together for more than forty years, and we love each other very much. I’ve long been on a conscious spiritual path, while my husband has no interest in such matters. This wasn’t a huge issue until he retired about eight years ago. Since then, he […]
Double Vision: Is She a Burden to a Friend in Spirit?

My husband and I both had a best friend who passed away about four years ago. I care for my husband very much, but I was also deeply in love with this friend, though I kept this to myself. I helped take care of my friend during his final illness, and still visit his mom […]
Double Vision: Objects Disappear and Reappear at Random

Around five years ago, my husband gave me a lovely pair of diamond earrings. Last morning morning, I lost one of them. I was in my bathroom at my sink and I took the earring off to clean it. I always close the drain so it doesn’t drop down it. As I dried it with […]
Double Vision: Recurring Dreams of Ex Leaving

My husband was seeing and actually living with another woman while we were still married. He then killed himself in 2006. I had horrible dreams after his death; after he died, I begged him to give me a sign that he loved me. I felt he had given me a sign through a dream. Then […]
Double Vision: Dream of Husband Faking his Death

Hi my name is Sanet. My husband passed away January 13, 2010. Two nights ago I had a dream about him. I dreamed that he walked into my room alive. I asked him how it was possible that he was alive. He said he had met a woman through my niece’s ex-boyfriend who was rich, […]
Double Vision: She Forgave but She Can’t Forget

Three years ago, I caught my husband with his secretary in bed in my house. It was devastating for me because my husband generally looks down on people who flirt and have extra marital affairs. I was so shocked that I had no words to express my hurt and anger. Though the woman was married, […]
Double Vision: Can Love Keep Death at Bay?

I dreamed that my husband was dead and that by sheer force of love, I was able to bring him back. As I held him and refused to accept the bottomless grief that was enveloping me, he began to breathe again. However, he was not quite all that he had been. I don’t often fear […]
Double Vision: Do Dreams of Husband Cheating Reveal the Truth?

I used to dream about my husband cheating on me a lot when we were younger. In the end, I was the one who ended up cheating. When I started cheating myself, I stopped dreaming about my husband cheating. When he learned about me cheating, he admitted that he had both cheated on me and […]
Double Vision: How to Break Ties with Past Lovers

I am happily married to a great husband and we have a five-year-old son together. I keep thinking and dreaming about a man I had an affair with before I was married to my husband. I feel like we have some kind of spiritual connection. I can feel when he is thinking about me and […]