Double Vision: Did New Wife Hex Her?

My husband and I have been divorced for seven years. A couple of years ago he got remarried, and at that point, everything changed. His wife got pregnant right away, and he got caught up in his new family. I hate to admit it, but I didn’t handle it very well. One day we got […]

Double Vision: She’s Desperate to Dream of Departed Husband

My husband passed away two months ago. Why haven’t I dreamed about him? He didn’t even show me signs that he would leave us soon. I have never experienced dreams about departed love ones before, not even my father, whom I loved most. I have been wanting to see and talk to them in my […]

Double Vision: Widow Can’t Sense Husband’s Spirit Anymore

I recently lost my husband of 30 years. He died at the young age of 56 of brain cancer. I felt him through all of the services, but no longer hear or feel him. He promised he would always stay with me. Why can’t I hear or feel him? Thank you for you answer. Elizabeth […]

Double Vision: He’s Talking in His Sleep

About three months ago, my husband began to experience restless sleep. I can tell that he’s having a bad dream because he’ll start moving about in bed and whimpering. Then he starts to talk like he’s talking to another person. He often says the same sort of thing, such as, Stop! You’re hurting him! or […]

Double Vision: Is Passion Essential to a Happy Marriage?

My husband and I have been together for nine years. Before I met him, I had been on an emotional roller coaster and wanted to find stability in my life. I believe my mistake was that I was searching for someone else to provide that stability, and he became my best friend. However, our backgrounds […]