Double Vision: Is it psychic to feel someone wanting you?

Is it a psychic perception to “feel” someone wanting to be with you, or more of a physical instinct? I have a male friend who has always just been a platonic pal because he is much younger than I am. Lately, however, I swear I can feel him wanting me, almost as if he is […]
Double Vision: Is infidelity ever forgivable?

Is infidelity ever forgivable? Two weeks have passed since my Aries man broke my heart. We had been in a seemingly wonderful relationship for eight years when this happened. I am shocked at some behavior I’ve never “noticed” before, and am finding it difficult to understand. I’m also an Aries, but I have a very […]
Double Vision: Twin Flames, Soul Groups and Reincarnation

Is it possible for someone from a soul group to reincarnate before the others in the group? I was told that a certain someone is my twin flame, but in this life, he is 24 years younger than me. Please help! Cindy Astrea: Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Soul Mates, and other people from our Karmic […]
Double Vision: Time in the Spirit World?

Is there any sense of time on the other side? For example, wouldn’t a ghost haunting the same area for 100 years become restless, especially if it had not realized that it had died? Also, if you had contacted someone who had passed away, would it be possible for their spirit to already be back […]
Double Vision: Cyclic Phases of Spiritual Growth and Change

Is there any basis for the idea that spiritual change and renewal occurs every seven years? Are there any other timely cycles that govern our journeys through life? Please advise. Thank you! Jeanne Susyn: According to science, the human body renews itself every seven years. This timeframe can also be applied to spiritual renewal. There […]
Q&A KORI HAHN Author of Rituals of the Soul

Is your life a wild exploration, or does it feel mundane and lack excitement? Is the life you are living based on logical reason and society’s expectations, or are you doing exactly what makes your heart beat a little faster with passion and enthusiasm? If you listened more intently to what your heart wants, what […]
Double Vision: Overcoming Hateful Feelings after a Bad Breakup

Is it natural to want to do bad and hurtful things to someone you once loved post-breakup? I recently ended a relationship and as much as I try to forgive and forget, random urges come over me to say and do hurtful things to him. Sometimes I act on those impulses. Afterwards I always feel […]
Double Vision: Meeting Our Guardian Angels

Is there some way I find out who my guardian angel is? Are there processes I can learn for consciously interacting with and calling upon my guardian angel for help, guidance and protection? Stacy Astra: There are many great books that name the Angels. One great one is A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson. […]
Double Vision: Spiritual Attraction Mistaken for Romantic Love?

Is it possible that we feel pulled toward some people because they have a higher spiritual vibration, but we mistake those feelings for falling in love with that person? I’m in a predicament, for I feel like I’ve fallen deeply in love with a man who is highly religious and spiritual. He’s an extremely sucessful […]