Three Ways to Tune In and Get Answers

by Jana Moreno Many of us have forgotten that we have all the answers to all we seek, and that we can access these answers without needing to seek them outside of ourselves. Mind you, sometimes the answer does come to us from another person, but to rely solely on another person or group of […]
Three Tips To Manifesting More Money

by Jana Morena Many of us make money into something big and huge in our lives, but we have forgotten that actually money is a very new invention compared to the age of humanity. One of the main problems many have when manifesting money is that they are coming from a survival mode when they […]
From Frustration to Love

From Frustration to Love, by Jana Stirling (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) I’m a computer programmer for an insurance company in New Jersey. It’s not a flashy position, but I make a great salary, have good perks, and unlike many programmers, I don’t have to work late or on weekends. At the age […]