Today’s Inspirational Quote

“People who judge, DON’T MATTER. People who matter, DON’T JUDGE.” This is something I have learned over the years. Occasionally, certain people are quick to judge what you do and also share their, often unsolicited, unfavourable opinions with you. At first, this can really impact on how you view who you are and what you […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” This asks us to look at ourselves when we are inclined or tempted to judge other people. Sometimes we can be very judgemental can’t we? I know I can. However, I really understand what this is saying. Every one of us is […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and don’t have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” Being honest, I must admit I can occasionally be judgemental, although it’s something I’m working on. Quick to assume or make a snap judgement of someone […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“People who judge, DON’T MATTER. People who matter, DON’T JUDGE.” This is something I have learned over the years. Occasionally, certain people are quick to judge what you do and also share their, often unsolicited, unfavourable opinions with you. At first, this can really impact on how you view who you are and what you […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” This asks us to look at ourselves when we are inclined or tempted to judge other people. Sometimes we can be very judgemental can’t we? I know I can. However, I really understand what this is saying. Every one of us is […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and don’t have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” Being honest, I must admit I can occasionally be judgemental, although it’s something I’m working on. Quick to assume or make a snap judgement of someone […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“People who judge, DON’T MATTER. People who matter, DON’T JUDGE.” This is something I have learned over the years. Occasionally, certain people are quick to judge what you do and also share their, often unsolicited, unfavourable opinions with you. At first, this can really impact on how you view who you are and what you […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” This asks us to look at ourselves when we are inclined or tempted to judge other people. Sometimes we can be very judgemental can’t we? I know I can. However, I really understand what this is saying. Every one of us is […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and don’t have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” Being honest, I must admit I can occasionally be judgemental, although it’s something I’m working on. Quick to assume or make a snap judgement of someone […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“People who judge, DON’T MATTER. People who matter, DON’T JUDGE.” This is something I have learned over the years. Occasionally, certain people are quick to judge what you do and also share their, often unsolicited, unfavourable opinions with you. At first, this can really impact on how you view who you are and what you […]