Double Vision: Translating Psychic Visions into Meaningful Messages

Lately I’ve been having some very clear, accurate psychic visions and perceptions. What I’m wondering is how you know what to say when you’re doing psychic readings. I see all this seemingly random stuff in my mind, and it comes so fast that I don’t know what to do with it all in that moment. […]
Double Vision: Psychically Sensing an Ex’s Energy

Lately I have been having constant trigger thoughts of my ex-boyfriend. (He is alive, not deceased.) We broke up months ago and have had no contact since, so I’m wondering why he is suddenly on my mind all the time. Recently I actually felt his presence like a comforting mist around me. What does this […]
Double Vision: How do I Reconnect With My Teenage Son?

My question is concerning my son Stephen. Lately he has been coming in at all hours and saying we “wouldn’t understand” what he is going through. We think it’s a girl thing. My husband and I try to listen, but he says so little. Is there hope for him to come back to be as […]
Double Vision: Does the Universe Force Us to Rest?

Life has been tough lately. I can’t find work, had to fight to get grant money to upgrade my skills, and have been fighting the VA to upgrade my disability. I was at a metaphysical fair a while back, and while looking at some merchandise, this woman walked up to me and told me that […]
Double Vision: Is Angry Music bad for the Soul?

My son is 15, and lately I’ve noticed some disturbing changes in him. Some months ago he became withdrawn, sullen, short-tempered and mean-spirited. He stays in his room all the time, and when he does come out, he lashes out at anyone in his path. Around the same time, he started listening to really angry […]
Double Vision: Is Her Preschooler’s Imaginary Friend Harmless?

Lately my three-year-old son Isaac has been talking about a little boy he calls Jugger. He says the boy comes to visit him at night when he’s sleeping. Isaac says Jugger always wants him to come and play, but Isaac tells him he can’t because he’s sleeping. Yesterday I was putting Isaac’s shoes on him […]