Today’s Inspirational Quote
“There is no security in this life. There is only opportunity.” This is like saying there is no certainty in life so make the best of it, don’t you think? Nothing is secure or lasts forever. Things change from second to second, from minute to minute, hour to hour. Don’t let this ever prevent you […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“As I declutter my life, I free myself to answer the calling of my soul.” I don’t know about you but this certainly strikes a chord with me. It took me a lot of years to actually realise I needed to declutter my life, not just of material things, but old outdated beliefs/ideas and, to […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour.” What a wonderful saying! I totally agree and do my best to do what I am told (which doesn’t happen often believe me!). Not so easy though considering the trials and tribulations life has a habit of placing before us on our way is it? […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.” Well this does make sense don’t you think? If we live life feeling positive, hopeful and confident in our ability to cope, achieve and succeed, wouldn’t it follow that this would pave the way for life to respond in kind? I believe it would be more […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Your life is your message to the World….make it inspiring.” Most of us are usually so busy just dealing with our day-to-day lives that we never give a thought to how others truly see us, or the impact our lives may have on theirs. Stopping to think about how we do want other people to […]
Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the Afterlife
Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the Afterlife, by Kristy Robinett (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The phrase “Rest in Peace” (or R.I.P.) originated from the Latin, “Requiescat in pace,” which comes from a prayer within the Roman Catholic burial liturgy that means “may he (or she) rest in peace.” It […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Life is a great big canvas….and you should throw all the paint on it you can.” You can picture this can’t you? Imagine we all begin life as a huge totally blank canvas and, as we move through life, our experiences, both good and bad, positive and not so positive, become the paints that colour […]
Your Tickets to Past Life Exploration
Your Tickets to Past Life Exploration, by Judith Marshall (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) For many of us, travel is the spice of life. The comfort and security of home are important, but the unfamiliar stirs the soul. Travel in the physical world offers insight, freedom, and expansion. Travel within—the journey of the […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“As I declutter my life, I free myself to answer the calling of my soul.” I don’t know about you but this certainly strikes a chord with me. It took me a lot of years to actually realise I needed to declutter my life, not just of material things, but old outdated beliefs/ideas and, to […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Your life is a result of the choices you make….if you don’t like your life it is time to start making BETTER CHOICES.” How many times has somebody around you caused you to grit your teeth or bite your tongue by continually bemoaning their life and how things always go wrong for them, that their […]