Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Remember anyone can love you when the sun is shining. In the storms is where you learn who truly cares for you.” As most of us know through experience this is very true. We’ve all had people in our lives who are happy to make themselves available to party with us or join us in […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You have to love yourself because no amount of love from others is sufficient to fill the yearning that your soul requires from you.” Very true. If we don’t love ourselves and don’t value what makes and shapes us and our beliefs, then why should anybody else? Like a little pot plant where we are […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Some people will only “love you” as much as they can use you. Their loyalty ends where the benefit stops.” Because we are all different, we’re not all “coming from the same place”. One or more people in our lives may not have our best interests at heart but use us for their own selfish […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Some people will only “love you” as much as they can use you. Their loyalty ends where the benefit stops.” Because we are all different, we’re not all “coming from the same place”. One or more people in our lives may not have our best interests at heart but use us for their own selfish […]