Today’s Inspirational Quote

“I’m going to make the rest of my life, the best of my life.” This should be a mantra for everybody to follow. It doesn’t matter what has gone before in your life, how old you are, what you possess or don’t possess, who you know……. Just to have the insight to realise that, by […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” This reminds me of friends we had who, although they were English and resident in the UK, preferred living in the house they had bought in Florida. However, due to immigration rules they were restricted to spending 3 months in Florida then the UK for 3 months, […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Of course they can’t. You are a positive person, self-confident, sure of yourself and your many gifts and abilities so why would you allow anybody the power to make you feel inferior? You wouldn’t of course. Be sure to continue as you mean to […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Storms make trees take deeper roots.” I guess this is because the rain unleashed by a storm soaks into the earth, nourishing the roots and enabling them to grow even deeper. Compare this to us as human beings. The “storms” that we experience portrayed by the trials and tribulations of everyday life and the “rain” […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Trying to make someone happy who prefers the drama of being miserable, is a guaranteed way to create your own drama of misery.” Some people are just going to be miserable and view the world and everybody in it as conspirators’ in a plot to make their existence unbearable. It won’t matter how much you […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Forgive people who do you wrong….they unknowingly make you strong.” Although we won’t be thinking along these lines while people are or have done us wrong, this is actually very true. Later, thinking about it, we begin to realise that, in having to cope with what they put us through, we do grow stronger. This […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” Exactly! I couldn’t have said it better myself. We all know people who, when problematic situations, hard financial times, or personal strife happens to them, they sail through whatever it is and come out the other end better […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.” Like most of us, I occasionally look back and wish I could change some of the things that happened in my past but I’m realistic enough to know this will never be […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Trying to make someone happy who prefers the drama of being miserable, is a guaranteed way to create your own drama of misery.” Some people are just going to be miserable and view the world and everybody in it as conspirators’ in a plot to make their existence unbearable. It won’t matter how much you […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Don’t allow negative people to make you one of them.” Some people are “glass half empty” by nature aren’t they? It doesn’t matter how good they have things, or how blessed they are, the glass is seen as half empty and always will be. I feel very sorry for them as I try to be […]