Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Colours are the smiles of nature.” So many colours for our eyes to feast on. Isn’t nature wonderful? The changing of each season as it gradually unveils its own beautiful, inspirational, awesome splendid palette of colour for our eyes to appreciate and marvel at. Man can never ever hope to compete with what Nature’s very […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Wouldn’t it be a pity if we allowed our fear of failure, or the discouragement of others, to prevent us embarking on a path to make our dreams come true? However, I do realise that we are all different and […]
Which of My Thirty-Seven Projects to Tackle First?

by Sam Bennett You have so many great ideas, and you can’t decide which one(s) to follow through on. Or maybe once you finally settle on one and get into it, you get bored and drop it like a hot potato for something new. I know. One of the side effects of being a creative […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Colours are the smiles of nature.” So many colours for our eyes to feast on. Isn’t nature wonderful? The changing of each season as it gradually unveils its own beautiful, inspirational, awesome splendid palette of colour for our eyes to appreciate and marvel at. Man can never ever hope to compete with what Nature’s very […]
Seeing the Clear Light

by Steve Taylor, author of many books on spirituality and psychology including The Clear Light, The Leap, and The Calm Center 2006 was a difficult year. In April our second child, Ted, was born. Ted was a lovely baby (and is a lovely boy now) but he seemed to be born without the need to […]
The Clear Light of the Present: How Creativity Arises from Presence

by Steve Taylor, author of many books on spirituality and psychology including The Clear Light, The Leap, and The Calm Center In general, there are three different modes in which we can live our lives: doing, thinking and being. Most of the day we’re busy doing – working in our jobs, doing chores, following our […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Wouldn’t it be a pity if we allowed our fear of failure, or the discouragement of others, to prevent us embarking on a path to make our dreams come true? However, I do realise that we are all different and […]
Double Vision: Did Coworker Put a Love Spell on Her?

I was born May 29. I have many reasons to believe a man put a strong love spell on me. After not having much contact with him for several years, out of the blue I found myself constantly thinking and dreaming of him. I thought this would fade, but the thoughts and dreams just got […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Colours are the smiles of nature.” So many colours for our eyes to feast on. Isn’t nature wonderful? The changing of each season as it gradually unveils its own beautiful, inspirational, awesome splendid palette of colour for our eyes to appreciate and marvel at. Man can never ever hope to compete with what Nature’s very […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Wouldn’t it be a pity if we allowed our fear of failure, or the discouragement of others, to prevent us embarking on a path to make our dreams come true? However, I do realise that we are all different and […]