16 Aroma-Energetic Wellness Tips

16 Aroma-Energetic Wellness Tips, by Margaret Ann Lembo (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) We all strive for more health, happiness, and hope in our lives. This enhanced well-being can be as simple as integrating any number of aroma-energetic practices into your life; these practices combine the powerful effects of aromatherapy and energy for […]

7 Ways to Welcome Spring with Crystals and Gems

by Margaret Ann Lembo (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Spring arrives, and it’s that time for awakening to fresh ideas, new beginnings, and innovative growth. Inspiration for new ideas often comes through creative action. Once the ball starts rolling, it’s easier to energize your ideas and plans for this next cycle. The elementals […]

Gemstones: How to Use Colors and Stones to Achieve Your Goals

by Margaret Ann Lembo (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The gemstones to which you are drawn are revealing, and they provide guidance for uncovering self-knowledge. Colors and gemstones influence the way we feel, act, and react to others. Think about it: why would you want to wear your magenta pink shirt one day […]

Color, Gem, Oil, and Affirmation Correspondences for Awakening Your Chakras

by Margaret Ann Lembo (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Gemstones, color, and scent are universal languages and tools. Likewise, the use of color, crystals, and positive affirmations to awaken your chakras, the energy centers of your body, are powerful tools for bringing balance into our lives. According to eastern philosophies, we have chakras […]