5 Steps to Begin Automatic Writing

by Melissa Kitto Automatic writing (the ability to receive messages from your angels through written messages) is a skill that anyone can develop. It can be an incredibly powerful tool for receiving clear messages from your Angels. Often, after an automatic writing session, I look back on what I wrote and say Wow! I know […]
5 Simple and Instant Creativity Boosts

by Melissa Harris (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Perhaps you don’t consider yourself creative. But, we are all creative: our creativity simple emerges in different ways. Consider the imagination one employs to make intelligent financial decisions, or how one can come up with yummy and inexpensive recipes with healthy ingredients. We call upon […]
Four Additions to the Law of Attraction

by Melissa Alvarez (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Most people have heard about the Law of Attraction and how it can be used to attract the things you desire in your life to you. Yet, this is but one of many natural laws of the Universe. Can you imagine how successful you’d be […]
5 Ways to Connect with the Simplicity of Cozy

by Melissa Alvarez (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Living a cozy life means different things to different people. Around the world, there are many different ways people embrace cozy living. The Danish practice Hygge, which is finding pleasure in the simple things and making the ordinary extraordinary by being present in the moment. […]
Four Ways Your Energy Animal Can Appear to You

by Melissa Alvarez (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Animals. We share our world with them, we have them as pets, and they can be a source of comfort and love. Animals can also be spiritual guides for us during times of need or to help us grow on our spiritual path. I call […]