Tarot as a Way of Mindfulness: 4 Ways the Cards Help You Find Spiritual Fulfillment

Tarot as a Way of Mindfulness: 4 Ways the Cards Help You Find Spiritual Fulfillment, by Johannes Fiebig (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) We fell in love with the tarot in the early 1980s. Tarot became our profession then, and for decades we did lectures, workshops and seminars on the tarot. We also […]
From Suffering to Peace Q and A with Author Mark Coleman

Like yoga before it, mindfulness is now flourishing in every sector of society. It is a buzzword in everything from medicine to the military. In the new book From Suffering to Peace: The True Promise of Mindfulness, author Mark Coleman, who has studied and taught mindfulness meditation for decades, draws on his knowledge to not […]