Double Vision: Are our emotions sometimes a way of spirit communicating with us?

My girlfriend left me about 2 1/2 months ago. I hadn’t really learned anything when she broke up with me the first time. I expected us to just get back together, but then she started seeing another guy. (I was so emotional about our break that I pushed her away when we got back together […]
Double Vision: What Are Signs that Someone is a Soul Mate?

A few months ago, I started seeing someone. Though we had both planned to have a summer fling, it has turned into something much, much deeper. Sometimes I can actually feel the energy moving between us even if we are just sitting together. Once it was as if our souls had joined together in a […]
Double Vision: Is Departed Dog Behind her Sudden Big Dream?

We had to put our rescued dog Trixie down two months ago. She was only six years old, and such a beautiful dog. Ever since we put her down, I’ve had a deep desire to have my own Rescue Center for dogs. This is the first time in my life that I have this unexplainable […]
Double Vision: Bizarre Experiences with Secondhand Jacket

About three months ago, I bought a Columbia jacket on eBay. The jacket was so nice and so cheap that I was worried it was stolen merchandise, so I e-mailed the seller directly. She told me that it was her daughter’s favorite jacket but she had died in a car accident while wearing it! I […]
Double Vision: Did Spirit Knock Mirror off of Wall?

12 months ago, I had a very large mirror fall off the wall. Nothing was broken, and there was no apparent reason for this, for the cord and hook were both secure. This happened on my late father’s birthday. Could this be him? Many different things have happened in the house over the years: lights […]
Double Vision: She’s Desperate to Dream of Departed Husband

My husband passed away two months ago. Why haven’t I dreamed about him? He didn’t even show me signs that he would leave us soon. I have never experienced dreams about departed love ones before, not even my father, whom I loved most. I have been wanting to see and talk to them in my […]
Double Vision: She Met the Man from her Vision

Three months before I moved house to live in another town, I had a vision of a man I didn’t regonize. I had been asleep and woke up to find him standing at the end of my bed, just staring at me with a blank expression on his face. I remember thinking that he was […]
Double Vision: Does Dream Reveal Guardian Angel?

A few months ago, I was sort of hit by a car while crossing the street. I say sort of because even though the car should have hit me dead on, somehow it just grazed me and knocked me to the side of the road. I can distinctly remember being right in front of the […]
Double Vision: He’s Talking in His Sleep

About three months ago, my husband began to experience restless sleep. I can tell that he’s having a bad dream because he’ll start moving about in bed and whimpering. Then he starts to talk like he’s talking to another person. He often says the same sort of thing, such as, Stop! You’re hurting him! or […]
Double Vision: Telepathic Intruders

For months there have been two or three people controlling my thoughts to get me to feel the way they want me to. They want to punish me or make me think twice about what I’m doing versus what they want me to do. There are thoughts forced into my mind constantly. I can’t think […]