Double Vision: Can We Dream Of Past Lives?

I’m a Caucasian married mother of three living in the U.S. Last night I dreamed I was a little boy with dark skin and dark hair, living in a very rustic little house with dirt floors. I was about six years old, and the entire dream was experienced from this boy’s perspective. While I didn’t […]

Double Vision: Lifting Grandma’s Curse?

My grandmother (father’s mother) cursed my parents when they married, saying that their marriage would bring them great unhappiness, that they would not prosper together, and that their issue would wither and die. Most of what she said has happened. I am still alive at 49, but I have had to overcome many illnesses (including […]

Double Vision: Spirit Contact is Freaking Her Out

My mother passed away a little over a year ago. I don’t feel I’ve really dealt with her death because I don’t know how. A few months after she died, I had two dreams in which she visited me and we just talked about normal things like my new boyfriend, whom she said she helped […]

Double Vision: Disembodied Voice Yelled her Name

While I was talking with my mother on the phone today, she told me that last week while she was watching TV, a lady’s voice yelled out her name. This voice came from behind her. When it happened, the family dog came out of the bedroom, barking wildly. Though my mother’s name was called out […]

Demeter and Persephone: Sacred Mother, Beloved Daughter

Demeter and Persephone: Sacred Mother, Beloved Daughter, by Katalin Jett Koda (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) As we approach the Spring Equinox, we feel the warming air and are inspired by the natural beauty of rebirth after winter. The story of Demeter and Persephone powerfully captures the unfolding of the seasons, welcoming in […]

Double Vision: Can People in Comas Visit like Spirits?

My mother, Rose, has been very ill for some time now, and a few months ago, she slipped into a coma. (She’s in the hospital on life support.) Here’s the strange thing: not long after she went into a coma, my four-year-old little girl started playing with an imaginary friend. When I asked her who […]

Double Vision: Her Mother Doesn’t Feel Like Her Real Mother

I always have felt as if my mother is not my real mother. In fact, I have gone so far as to actually ask my father about it. He assured me that she is in fact my real mother. I also think she dabbles in black magick and has placed spells on me and my […]