Weekly Astrological Forecast for May 27 through June 2, 2024

May 27 through June 2, 2024 A much calmer week awaits after all the astrological activity of last week, with no major shifts on the calendar. Do note that Jupiter’s move into Gemini will have a way of opening our minds over the next twelve months, as well as bringing new and intriguing people into […]
Double Vision: Some Aspects of Reincarnation Concern Her

After much research, I am beginning to buy into the idea of reincarnation because it makes sense. I love my life, so I hate the idea of not remembering my past lives and being apart from loved ones, but I’m willing to accept it on one condition. I hear that when we reincarnate, we naturally […]
Double Vision: Working with Full Moon Energy

I am very much affected by the full moon. I become lethargic for a couple of days before the full moon and am completely out of sorts. I can’t perform my responsibilities at work, I can’t concentrate, and I’m just exhausted. Others have noticed that I really struggle with this as well. Even the smallest […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 7 through September 13, 2020

September 7 through September 13, 2020 We may not get much done on Monday, but if there is anything that just has to be completed, be sure to get to it on Tuesday, as the rest of the week will be a free-for-all! Mars will go retrograde on Wednesday, a cycle that typically only happens […]