Double Vision: Are my intuitions about hubby and coworker on the mark?

My name is Christine. My husband (a Virgo) and I (a Libra) work together, and I have been feeling like he and one of our coworkers are getting closer than they should. When I ask him about it, he says he loves me and I am the only one. Do you think I could be […]
Double Vision: Why Isn’t Mother Hearing from Departed Son?

My son was born 02/08/1993. He passed away of cancer on 11/02/08. Since then, I have been trying to connect with him. I ask him to come to me in my dreams, to flicker my lights – anything to validate that he is with me and hasn’t forgotten his life here on Earth. I haven’t […]
Double Vision: What is Deja Vu?

My kids and I frequently experience deja vu, but my husband doesn’t even seem to know what we’re talking about. Do you think that deja vu is related to psychic ability? Why would some people experience it, and others not? Also, what’s happening when we have that deja vu feeling? It doesn’t seem to happen […]
Double Vision: Long Married Couple has Grown Apart

My husband and I are in our seventies. We’ve been together for more than forty years, and we love each other very much. I’ve long been on a conscious spiritual path, while my husband has no interest in such matters. This wasn’t a huge issue until he retired about eight years ago. Since then, he […]
Double Vision: When Your Ex Finds True Love

My question involves myself, Liz (Scorpio), ex-hubby Jon (Capricorn), and current love Walt (Sagittarius). I was married to Jon for 13 years. These were the best years of my life, and this was the most loving relationship I’d ever known. We were BEST friends, but he lacked passion. I ignored that issue because everything else […]
Double Vision: Lucid Dreaming

My question is about a “lucid dream” experience I had about two years ago. I went on a little trip to San Diego with my boyfriend. We were staying at a friend’s house, and I used to have problems sleeping in the same bed with other people, so I decided to get up in the […]
Double Vision: Do All Suicides become Earthbound Spirits?

My sister committed suicide, and someone told me that because of this, she must be an earthbound spirit stuck on the astral plane. Is this true? I know that suicide has traditionally been viewed as a big sin. Do you believe this reflects some higher spiritual truth? I’m very worried about her, and would love […]
Double Vision: Is She a Burden to a Friend in Spirit?

My husband and I both had a best friend who passed away about four years ago. I care for my husband very much, but I was also deeply in love with this friend, though I kept this to myself. I helped take care of my friend during his final illness, and still visit his mom […]
Double Vision: Lifting Grandma’s Curse?

My grandmother (father’s mother) cursed my parents when they married, saying that their marriage would bring them great unhappiness, that they would not prosper together, and that their issue would wither and die. Most of what she said has happened. I am still alive at 49, but I have had to overcome many illnesses (including […]
Double Vision: Seventh son of a seventh son?

My father is the seventh son of a seventh son. Does this mean anything? I have often wondered about this. I’ve also often wondered about the idea of the “sins of our fathers” being passed down to us. How much does our family lineage affect us in each lifetime? Is our karma individual and carried […]