Double Vision: Is Departed Ex-Boyfriend Hurting Her Current Relationship?

My ex-boyfriend/best friend died three years ago. I’ve been in love with my current boyfriend for over four years. Two weeks before my ex passed, he told me that he still loved me and would wait until my current relationship ended. He died in October, 2009. Ever since then, every October I dream about him […]
My House Is Haunted: Now What?

My House Is Haunted: Now What? by Natalie Fowler (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) As the whole world shut down for a global pandemic, stay-at-home orders everywhere forced people inside. As people began to spend more in their homes than they’d ever had to before, a few of us began to realize we […]
Double Vision: Recurring Dreams of Ex Leaving

My husband was seeing and actually living with another woman while we were still married. He then killed himself in 2006. I had horrible dreams after his death; after he died, I begged him to give me a sign that he loved me. I felt he had given me a sign through a dream. Then […]
Double Vision: Spirit Contact is Freaking Her Out

My mother passed away a little over a year ago. I don’t feel I’ve really dealt with her death because I don’t know how. A few months after she died, I had two dreams in which she visited me and we just talked about normal things like my new boyfriend, whom she said she helped […]
Double Vision: Are Dimes Signs from Departed Mom?

My name is Donna. I was born 8/18/63. I lost my Mom on 6/15/11. I took care of her for 18 months before she died. I’ve had seven dreams of her, all very nice ones. Since her passing, I find dimes all over my house. I will also find one dime and one penny – […]
Double Vision: Why is Relationship with One Child more Spiritual?

My life has been a mystical, wonderful journey. I have four children. My second born, a son, is often in my dreams. (I am a very lucid dreamer.) This son seems to be on a special spiritual journey with me to a higher existence. We help each other, and the trust we share is powerful. […]
Double Vision: Is Secondhand Bed Haunted?

My grandson is almost three years old. My daughter bought a secondhand bed in the shape of a car for him, and ever since, he has not wanted to go to bed because he says the children are in his room. Loud noises upset him and he has now started putting the pillow over his […]
Double Vision: The Spiritual Lessons in Alcoholism/Addiction

My father has a disease – alcoholism. He has been drinking for many, many years. I love my father greatly, and believe he is a good man despite this condition. I am wondering if he will ever stop. What makes a person choose to be an alcoholic in a given lifetime? What spiritual lessons are […]
Double Vision: She Wants More Dream Visits with Spirit

My son’s father passed due to cancer. A few days after his death, he came into my dream. I was so happy to see him that I gave him a big hug. I do not remember him talking. He stayed there with me for few seconds and then walked away and disappeared. He was carrying […]
Double Vision: Teen is Terrified to be Home Alone

My fourteen-year-old niece is terrified to be home alone even for a few minutes. She hears noises and is afraid someone is going to break in. The other night, she called her mother hyperventilating because her father left her, her younger sister and their small dog at home for a short time. Except for this […]