Double Vision: Terrified of Dying after Mom Passed Away

My mom passed away about four months ago. It was very sudden. Since then, I have developed an obsessive fear of dying. Every day, I think I’m going to die. I’m only 22 years old but I think I’m going to have a heart attack or seizure. I fear that I’m going to suffocate and […]
Double Vision: Is She Psychically Sensing his True Feelings?

My husband of 10 years and I recently divorced. We still love each other, and I would take him back in an instant, but he says he doesn’t want me anymore. Other times, however, he has said that he can’t be with me right now. I just can’t let go because I feel this strong […]
Double Vision: Strange Breathing Noises

My daughter often hears breathing near her that I can’t hear. She says it only worries her because no one else seems to be aware of it. I did feel a presence once, only because I walked right into it. Our house is full of energy, and all of my kids have seen the same […]
Double Vision: Is Angry Music bad for the Soul?

My son is 15, and lately I’ve noticed some disturbing changes in him. Some months ago he became withdrawn, sullen, short-tempered and mean-spirited. He stays in his room all the time, and when he does come out, he lashes out at anyone in his path. Around the same time, he started listening to really angry […]
Double Vision: Watch Stopped at Time of Death

My father recently died, and when the paramedics got to the scene, they took his watch off and set it to one side. He wasn’t breathing when they arrived, and they worked on him for 35 minutes before pronouncing him dead. Here’s the weird thing: Dad’s watch stopped at the exact time they pronounced him […]
Double Vision: Is Husband trying to Communicate through Child

My husband passed away unexpectedly several months ago. He was only 38 years old, and he died of a sudden heart attack. We have two children, a five-year-old girl and a three-year-old boy. I’ve had some strange experiences since he died, such as the lights flickering on and off right when I was asking him […]
Double Vision: Did New Wife Hex Her?

My husband and I have been divorced for seven years. A couple of years ago he got remarried, and at that point, everything changed. His wife got pregnant right away, and he got caught up in his new family. I hate to admit it, but I didn’t handle it very well. One day we got […]
My Search for Freedom

My Search for Freedom, by Bob Delmer (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Bob is such a great, positive name. It’s light and fun when compared to Robert or Jonathan or Donald. People even use it to describe something floating gently on the water, saying, for example, “Watch that duck bob on the ocean’s […]
Double Vision: Ghost Won’t Go

My son just called me and asked me if I believe in ghosts. When I said yes, he told me someone is visiting the apartment he shares with his girlfriend. This spirit is turning on the TV and lamps in another room. They both hear footsteps, and they’ve both felt someone lean over them while […]
Double Vision: Controlling Visions

My name is Patty and I have daily visions or deja vu. Everything always plays out just as I have envisioned it. Some visions are what I call mild. For example, they can be as simple as my daughter walking in the room and asking me a particular question, which played out in my mind […]