Today’s Inspirational Quote
“You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.” I have found this personally to be so true! It was only when I took early retirement from my job that I felt totally free to begin my journey in exploring my long-held interest in Tarot and enhancing my psychic gifts. […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Each new moment is a place you’ve never been.” Very true isn’t it? We don’t often stop to think about this though do we? Too much going on, too many things to do, people to see etc. Take a moment to think about it. Each new moment in your life is unique to you and […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the ONLY option you have left.” Interesting isn’t it? Stressful or upsetting situations we find ourselves in, not through choice, but because that’s life, things just happen. Most times, although there’s momentary panic and indecision, we do pull ourselves together and do what we […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Everything you do has the power to change the world. We never know who will be touched by our words, or inspired by our actions.” I know that there have been many times in my life when I have been touched or inspired by someone. It may have been something they have written, or something […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream.” Of course not! Sometimes the right time to set another goal or dream another dream is when we are older and, hopefully though not always, wiser. That’s when we are free from the constraints of perhaps raising a family, working, being […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth “You owe me!” Look what happens with a love like that…it lights the whole sky.” Love should be unselfish shouldn’t it? When we love someone totally, with all our heart, our very being, we think of them and their best interests before ourselves. […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you.” There will always be people, events or experiences in life that will cause us pain, either physical or emotional, that’s just life. However, when looking back from the safety of the future, don’t you occasionally get that “lightbulb” moment when you suddenly realise that […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still.” Busy, overactive, buzzing mind, with thoughts going round and round in a constant whirlpool of worry! How often has this happened to you? Many times? Yes, me too. However, I have found that, by sitting somewhere quiet […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“A negative mind will never give you a positive life.” How could it? If your mind is filled with negative thoughts that prevent you from following your dreams, applying for that brilliant job opportunity, striking up a conversation with someone you want to get to know, etc., who do you think is to blame? You, […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Make today count, you’ll never get it back.” Now this is good advice and worth following don’t you think? However, I guess, like me and most people, we don’t often take the time to think along these lines. We’re too busy going about our daily lives and dealing with whatever the days bring us. Some […]