Double Vision: Could Girl in Dream Be Her Future Daughter?

Two nights ago I had a dream of a little girl. She was around three or four years old with long, dark, beautiful hair, which she wore in pigtails. I remember her smiling and laughing a lot. We talked and laughed and had so much fun together. Then towards the end of the dream, the […]
Double Vision: Is Dream of Future Husband Prophetic?

I had a dream two nights ago that I was on my honeymoon with my future husband. (I don’t know who he is – I’m single at the moment.) We were on a couch in a hotel lounge area, and there were four men in business suits loitering around us. I was sipping orange juice, […]
Double Vision: Tapping Noises are Keeping Her Up at Night

I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since my mom died six years ago. (My dad died 14 years ago.) Every night I hear tapping in my room. I also experience a lot of sleep paralysis. I’ve heard strange things like a huge boulder coming my way and strange grunts from something or someone. I’ve […]
Double Vision: Another Intriguing Baby Monitor Scenario

Three nights ago, I awoke at 1:30 a.m. and heard what I thought was my 17-month-old coughing over the baby monitor. I went in to check on him but found him snuggled in his blankets, head on his pillow, apparently sound asleep. I waited and he never coughed, so I went back to bed. Immediately […]
Double Vision: Another Intriguing Baby Monitor Scenario
Three nights ago, I awoke at 1:30 a.m. and heard what I thought was my 17-month-old coughing over the baby monitor. I went in to check on him but found him snuggled in his blankets, head on his pillow, apparently sound asleep. I waited and he never coughed, so I went back to bed. Immediately […]
Double Vision: Another Intriguing Baby Monitor Scenario

Three nights ago, I awoke at 1:30 a.m. and heard what I thought was my 17-month-old coughing over the baby monitor. I went in to check on him but found him snuggled in his blankets, head on his pillow, apparently sound asleep. I waited and he never coughed, so I went back to bed. Immediately […]
Double Vision: Another Intriguing Baby Monitor Scenario

Three nights ago, I awoke at 1:30 a.m. and heard what I thought was my 17-month-old coughing over the baby monitor. I went in to check on him but found him snuggled in his blankets, head on his pillow, apparently sound asleep. I waited and he never coughed, so I went back to bed. Immediately […]