Today’s Inspirational Quote

“An open mind allows you to explore and create and grow. Remember that progress would be impossible if we always did things the way we always have.” An open mind reminds me of a big plot of land with absolutely nothing remotely resembling a fence on or around it. I guess it could also be […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“If you want to see a miracle, just open your eyes. Everywhere you look, there’s magic in disguise.” Oh there is, there is! Take time to appreciate the miracles around you all the time, every day. A new baby, a flower, even the rain that we often complain about but without which everything on our […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“An open mind allows you to explore and create and grow. Remember that progress would be impossible if we always did things the way we always have.” An open mind reminds me of a big plot of land with absolutely nothing remotely resembling a fence on or around it. I guess it could also be […]