Double Vision: She Wants to Break Up on a Soul Level
Over 14 years ago, I broke up with a man I had dated for five years. I decided I couldn’t marry him because he had a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality, plus he liked to play around with other ladies. Then I suddenly began dreaming of him almost daily. Now, every day I have […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” I’m sure we have all, at one time or another, had a failed relationship, an unfulfilled dream, a disappointment etc. At the time it usually feels like the end of the world doesn’t it? We tell ourselves we will never love that way again. That’s it, […]
Double Vision: Were Foggy Green Lights Departed Grandfather?
My grandfather died a few weeks ago. I was over at my grandmother’s house last night until midnight, after which I went home and lay down to go to sleep. All of the sudden, I felt very warm in my face. This made me really hot like I wanted to kick off the covers. I […]