Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You are not responsible for other peoples’ happiness. When making decisions put your own happiness first.” Obviously be aware of how your decisions will affect those closest to you but ultimately other people are responsible for creating their own happiness just as you are. Make your decisions based on the knowledge that what you do […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You are not responsible for other peoples’ happiness. When making decisions put your own happiness first.” Obviously be aware of how your decisions will affect those closest to you but ultimately other people are responsible for creating their own happiness just as you are. Make your decisions based on the knowledge that what you do […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You are not responsible for other peoples’ happiness. When making decisions put your own happiness first.” Obviously be aware of how your decisions will affect those closest to you but ultimately other people are responsible for creating their own happiness just as you are. Make your decisions based on the knowledge that what you do […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You are not responsible for other peoples’ happiness. When making decisions put your own happiness first.” Obviously be aware of how your decisions will affect those closest to you but ultimately other people are responsible for creating their own happiness just as you are. Make your decisions based on the knowledge that what you do […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You are not responsible for other peoples’ happiness. When making decisions put your own happiness first.” Obviously be aware of how your decisions will affect those closest to you but ultimately other people are responsible for creating their own happiness just as you are. Make your decisions based on the knowledge that what you do […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You are not responsible for other peoples’ happiness. When making decisions put your own happiness first.” Obviously be aware of how your decisions will affect those closest to you but ultimately other people are responsible for creating their own happiness just as you are. Make your decisions based on the knowledge that what you do […]