Double Vision: Telekinesis

Do you believe it’s possible to affect physical objects with our minds? For example, can people really bend spoons with their minds or move objects without touching them? If so, are there any limits to what we can do? I’d really love to experiment with this, and would appreciate any advice or information you can […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Be kind wherever possible. It is always possible.” Now do I really have to explain or elaborate on this one? Thought not! There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for not being kind. We are all capable of bestowing kindness. It doesn’t take any special skill or ability. It needn’t cost us anything, unless being kind […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Be kind wherever possible. It is always possible.” Now do I really have to explain or elaborate on this one? Thought not! There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for not being kind. We are all capable of bestowing kindness. It doesn’t take any special skill or ability. It needn’t cost us anything, unless being kind […]
Double Vision: Twin Flames, Soul Groups and Reincarnation

Is it possible for someone from a soul group to reincarnate before the others in the group? I was told that a certain someone is my twin flame, but in this life, he is 24 years younger than me. Please help! Cindy Astrea: Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Soul Mates, and other people from our Karmic […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Be kind wherever possible. It is always possible.” Now do I really have to explain or elaborate on this one? Thought not! There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for not being kind. We are all capable of bestowing kindness. It doesn’t take any special skill or ability. It needn’t cost us anything, unless being kind […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Be kind wherever possible. It is always possible.” Now do I really have to explain or elaborate on this one? Thought not! There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for not being kind. We are all capable of bestowing kindness. It doesn’t take any special skill or ability. It needn’t cost us anything, unless being kind […]
Double Vision: Spiritual Attraction Mistaken for Romantic Love?

Is it possible that we feel pulled toward some people because they have a higher spiritual vibration, but we mistake those feelings for falling in love with that person? I’m in a predicament, for I feel like I’ve fallen deeply in love with a man who is highly religious and spiritual. He’s an extremely sucessful […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Be kind wherever possible. It is always possible.” Now do I really have to explain or elaborate on this one? Thought not! There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for not being kind. We are all capable of bestowing kindness. It doesn’t take any special skill or ability. It needn’t cost us anything, unless being kind […]
Double Vision: Could She be Cursed?

Do you think it’s possible that I am cursed? Over the past 12 months, I have had nothing but bad luck. Anything and everything that could go wrong has done. No matter how hard I try or how much I focus on raising my energy and staying positive, life just seems to keep throwing obstacles […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Be kind wherever possible. It is always possible.” Now do I really have to explain or elaborate on this one? Thought not! There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for not being kind. We are all capable of bestowing kindness. It doesn’t take any special skill or ability. It needn’t cost us anything, unless being kind […]