Double Vision: Loss Leads to Spiritual Awakening

I was blessed to experience the dying process of my fiance. We were soul mates and dated for 10 years. He waited until his mom, best friend and I had left his side at hospice before he made his transition. A few days later, I began to notice flickering lights, light bulbs sparking, the TV […]
How to Begin the Process of Change

How to Begin the Process of Change, by Jenny Mannion (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Simply hearing the word “change” can bring up resistance. We are taught from the beginning that change is hard, and we will sometimes resist change with all our might even if we know that what awaits on the […]
How to Begin the Process of Change

How to Begin the Process of Change, by Jenny Mannion (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Simply hearing the word “change” can bring up resistance. We are taught from the beginning that change is hard, and we will sometimes resist change with all our might even if we know that what awaits on the […]