Q & A with MATTHEW DICKS: Author of Someday is Today

Q & A with MATTHEW DICKS, Author of Someday is Today Someday — when the kids are grown, when work lightens up, when I win the lottery — I am going to start that business, become a yoga teacher, write that book, develop that app, paint that picture, finish my degree, pick up that musical […]

Q and A Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships

Q and A with Elisa Romeo, MFT & Adam Foley Authors of Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships Our deepest common human desire is to be met deeply, intimately and with unconditional love. Why is it, then, that what we most yearn for is one of the most elusive things to find and […]

We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life

Q and A with author Laura McKowen We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life Tell us how the title of your book We Are the Luckiest came to be. Like most people, I thought sobriety was a death sentence. I thought it would be the end of all fun, excitement, joy, […]

Q and A with Psychic Medium Bill Philipps

Q and A with Psychic Medium Bill Philipps Author of Signs from the Other Side Who hasn’t wished they could ask a departed loved one for advice, heal an unresolved rift, or even just ask where their grandmother’s strand of pearls is hidden? The best psychic mediums know what solace such messages can provide. They […]

Q and A with Psychic Medium Bill Philipps

Q and A with Psychic Medium Bill Philipps Author of Signs from the Other Side Who hasn’t wished they could ask a departed loved one for advice, heal an unresolved rift, or even just ask where their grandmother’s strand of pearls is hidden? The best psychic mediums know what solace such messages can provide. They […]