Double Vision: Is She Psychically Sensing his True Feelings?
My husband of 10 years and I recently divorced. We still love each other, and I would take him back in an instant, but he says he doesn’t want me anymore. Other times, however, he has said that he can’t be with me right now. I just can’t let go because I feel this strong […]
Double Vision: Watch Stopped at Time of Death
My father recently died, and when the paramedics got to the scene, they took his watch off and set it to one side. He wasn’t breathing when they arrived, and they worked on him for 35 minutes before pronouncing him dead. Here’s the weird thing: Dad’s watch stopped at the exact time they pronounced him […]
Double Vision: Is it Possible to Bring People Back from the Dead?
I recently spent a couple of week’s at a friend’s country house, and the most amazing thing happened while I was there. She has a dog, Mandy, that she dearly loves. One day as we were working in the yard, we heard a loud yelp, and when we turned to look, we saw her dog […]
Double Vision: Are Some People from Another Planet?
I recently saw a psychic who was pretty accurate. During the reading, she told me something that totally blew my mind, however, and I’m having a hard time sorting it out. She told me that I’m not really from this planet – that I’m from another star system, and this is my first incarnation on […]
Double Vision: Seeking Resolution with Soul Mate in Spirit
I recently learned that a man I had not seen for many years died two years ago. We planned to marry once, but due to rather complicated circumstances, we parted. I have been deeply upset ever since I learned that he committed suicide, and feel the loss as if it had just happened now. Recently […]
Double Vision: Widow Can’t Sense Husband’s Spirit Anymore
I recently lost my husband of 30 years. He died at the young age of 56 of brain cancer. I felt him through all of the services, but no longer hear or feel him. He promised he would always stay with me. Why can’t I hear or feel him? Thank you for you answer. Elizabeth […]
Double Vision: Disturbing Dreams of Her Husband Dying
I recently lost my father in a very sudden and shocking manner, for he was fit as a fiddle with no ailment whatsoever. A day after his burial, I dreamed that my husband (God forbid!) went off somewhere and also died. In the dream, I was crying and wondering what would happen to my two […]
Double Vision: She was Told Her Son is Earthbound
I recently lost my 15-year-old son to cancer. I contacted a medium and was told that my son is earthbound. Is he here with me? What signs will he show me? There was a strange number on my phone and on my friend’s phone only minutes apart. We tried to call back the number but […]