Alchemy: The Most Secretive of Arts

Alchemy: The Most Secretive of Arts, by Sandra Tabatha Cicero (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Along with astrology and the qabalah, alchemy is considered one of the principle branches of the Western Esoteric Tradition. But while many students are familiar with zodiacal charts and the fundamentals of the Tree of Life, far fewer […]
The Magic of Stars

The Magic of Stars, by Sandra Kynes (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The idea of using the stars for magic and ritual is not new. Medieval texts included details about stars and constellations, and how to determine the optimal time to draw their influence into talismans for spells, healing, and other purposes. A […]
Essential Oils for Wellbeing

Essential Oils for Wellbeing, by Sandra Kynes (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) More than making a room smell nice, the use of essential oils is called aromatherapy for good reason. Because our sense of smell is intimately linked with memory and emotion, essential oils provide a way to cope with emotional issues and […]
365 Days of Crystal Feng Shui for Your Home

by Sandra Kynes (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The laying on of crystals, or crystal therapy, is a powerful way to align and balance the energy of our bodies. Even simply wearing crystals can have an effect on us. Similarly, through the placement of crystals in our homes, we can attract prosperity, augment […]