Double Vision: Recurring Dreams of Ex Leaving

My husband was seeing and actually living with another woman while we were still married. He then killed himself in 2006. I had horrible dreams after his death; after he died, I begged him to give me a sign that he loved me. I felt he had given me a sign through a dream. Then […]
Double Vision: What Are Signs that Someone is a Soul Mate?

A few months ago, I started seeing someone. Though we had both planned to have a summer fling, it has turned into something much, much deeper. Sometimes I can actually feel the energy moving between us even if we are just sitting together. Once it was as if our souls had joined together in a […]
Double Vision: A Classic Case of Transference or Something More?

I’ve been seeing an acupuncturist for healing for almost a year now. From the beginning of our relationship, I had a strong sense that there was a connection between the two of us. He felt very familiar to me, and there was a definite sharing of energies between the two of us. From the first […]
Double Vision: Man Appeared on Television Screen

I once had the experience of seeing an old man appear on my television screen while I was watching a program. As soon as I saw him, I knew he was not an actor in the scene, but I didn’t know who he was and have never seen him since. My husband also saw him. […]