Weekly Astrological Forecast for August 28 through September 3, 2023

August 28 through September 3, 2023 Another busy astrological week awaits us, beginning with Uranus turning retrograde on Monday. Though outer planets can be subtle when they begin a 4-5 month retrograde period, Uranus is the exception, as its very nature is to generate unexpected change. With the Moon traveling through Aquarius (the sign of […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 26 through October 2, 2022

September 26 through October 2, 2022 The Moon will dance through Libra on Monday and Tuesday, balancing our movements and reminding us to move in authentic and honest ways. As well as being a productive energy, this is the time we can make new commitments to ourselves and to our overall physical and financial health. […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 19 through September 25, 2022

September 19 through September 25, 2022 The highlights of this week occur when the Sun moves into Libra on Thursday, followed by a Libra new Moon on Sunday. We could find it difficult to get much done on Monday as the Moon dances through emotional Cancer. Go with the flow and promise to get back […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 12 through September 18, 2022

September 12 through September 18, 2022 This should be a fairly calm and quiet week, not counting any annoyances Mercury retrograde causes, but since we’re aware of it, it will be easy to sidestep any blocks or glitches that arise. The week starts out on a highly productive note thanks to Monday’s Aries Moon, followed […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 5 through September 11, 2022

September 5 through September 11, 2022 We could experience a bit of astrological “whiplash” this week as we’re under the influence of a waxing full moon and Mercury preparing to go retrograde. The week starts out with Venus moving into Virgo, a sign known for its idealistic tendencies and love of perfection. We’ll have to […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for August 29 through September 4, 2022

August 29 through September 4, 2022 Time for a breather this week, as the astrological musical chairs game comes to a halt and we focus on restoring balance to our lives. We’ll take advantage of Monday and Tuesday’s Libra Moon to bring our worlds back into order, deftly moving between the physical and intellectual realms […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 27 through October 3, 2021

September 27 through October 3, 2021 With Mercury traveling backward now, we may not get much done this week. If we find ourselves stalled on a project, our best bet is to turn and do something else for a while until the energy shifts. Monday’s Gemini Moon could cause some miscommunication under this influence, so […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 20 through September 26, 2021

September 20 through September 26, 2021 Three major astrological events grace the heavens this week, beginning with Monday’s Pisces full Moon, also known as the Harvest Moon. This Moon marks the completion of a cycle, a time to reap what we have sown and the opportunity to release the past once and for all. Two […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 13 through September 19, 2021

September 13 through September 19, 2021 The show stopper this week is Mars’ entry into Libra on Tuesday, where it will spend the next six weeks focused on love, relationships, balance, and beauty. Even if we plan to build a new business or tackle a home project, this planet will infuse more visual beauty and […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 6 through September 12, 2021

September 6 through September 12, 2021 Monday’s new Moon in Virgo will inspire our organizational and idealistic sides, as we embrace the new energy in the air! The first two days of the week will prove quite productive under this influence, as we clear a path and start setting up new ventures and schedules. Balance […]