Double Vision: Can a spiritually mismatched marriage work?

I’ve been on a conscious spiritual path for a long time, but recently, things have really picked up, and I’ve gotten more involved in spiritual groups, classes and activities. My husband doesn’t share my interests, and that was always fine by me, as I figured we all have our own paths. Now, however, he seems […]
Double Vision: Alpha State Encounters

I’ve had lots of interesting spiritual experiences while fully awake, but the ones I really want to understand are those that happened at night or early in the morning, when I was falling asleep or just waking up. When I was really young, I had a number of interesting experiences. For a while, every morning […]
Spiritual Regression: Why Are You Here?

Spiritual Regression: Why Are You Here? by Brynn Blankinship (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Spiritual regression is a great way to resolve inner conflict through deeper self-awareness to begin moving forward in your life rather than staying stuck and not knowing why. As a transpersonal hypnotherapist, clients arrive at my office seeking guidance […]
Double Vision: Why can’t “spiritual people” easily develop psychic ability?

I’ve been on a spiritual quest for some time – really all my life. I am often reading two spiritual books at a time. I’ve been to good and not so good psychics since my early twenties. I always look for signs and usually go with my gut. Lately I’ve had a strong desire to […]
Double Vision: Is Girl Tormented by “Spiritual” Beings?

My niece is being tormented by spiritual beings. It started out innocently. My sister bought the house in the early 1980s. They have always had spirits in the house, and my sister and I have always had spirits with us. Shortly after my nephew died, however, my two nieces used a Ouija board to try […]
Shamans, Saints, and Sages: What is a Spiritual Hero, and What Does it Take to Become One?

Shamans, Saints, and Sages: What is a Spiritual Hero, and What Does it Take to Become One?, by Roger Walsh (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) “Only if we know that the thing which truly matters is the infinite can we avoid fixing our interests upon futilities and upon all kindsof goals which are […]
Angelic Lightwork: An Exercise for Personal Spiritual Protection and Distance Healing

Angelic Lightwork: An Exercise for Personal Spiritual Protection and Distance Healing, by Alana Fairchild (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Angels are gentle yet powerful divine beings. They are aligned with a higher spiritual intelligence that has unlimited ways to resolve any problem we may face. They are also somewhat rebellious! This can appeal […]
Spiritual Regression: Why Are You Here?

Spiritual Regression: Why Are You Here? by Bryn Blankinship (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Spiritual regression is a great way to resolve inner conflict through deeper self-awareness to begin moving forward in your life rather than staying stuck and not knowing why. As a transpersonal hypnotherapist, clients arrive at my office seeking guidance […]
The Quest for Spiritual Adulthood

The Quest for Spiritual Adulthood, by Richard Potter (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) After doing a few presentations about my book, Authentic Spirituality: The Direct Path to Consciousness, I am finding that people have become intrigued by my discussion of “spiritual adulthood.” While this term only appears briefly in the book, it is […]
Double Vision: Pendulum Stopped Working

I have used a pendulum to get spiritual guidance with great success in the past. I’m pretty sure that I have been speaking with my spirit guide in this way. I also spoke with a friend who passed away a couple of years ago. Just yesterday I asked the pendulum a question, and it didn’t […]