Double Vision: Is She Cursed?

I am very spiritual, have had plenty of psychic readings, and have tried to practice the Law of Attraction several times, I can’t seem to stop believing that I’ve been cursed. It’s like I can’t catch a break in life. I’ve always only been allowed just enough to survive. I’ve never dated anyone longer than […]
The ABC Academy for Spiritual Development with Jennifer Jean

The ABC Academy for Spiritual Development with Jennifer Jean Jennifer Jean is proud to announce her new ABC Academy for Spiritual Development! New class at the ABC Academy for Spiritual Development! **Meet Your Spirit Guides** on Monday May 3, 7-9pm Eastern time. In this innovative new class, Jennifer Jean will introduce you to your unique […]
The ABC Academy for Spiritual Development with Jennifer Jean

The ABC Academy for Spiritual Development with Jennifer Jean “Ascension Bridge Connection” I’ve always wanted to train people to do the work I do because I’m really passionate about making spiritual connections. I truly believe everyone has their own unique gifts and if shared in a supportive community, they are all the more powerful! My […]
The Quest for Spiritual Adulthood

The Quest for Spiritual Adulthood, by Richard Potter (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) After doing a few presentations about my book, Authentic Spirituality: The Direct Path to Consciousness, I am finding that people have become intrigued by my discussion of “spiritual adulthood.” While this term only appears briefly in the book, it is […]
Becoming a Spiritual Psychic: The Path to Conscious Awakening

Becoming a Spiritual Psychic: The Path to Conscious Awakening, by Sara Wiseman (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) If you’re starting to open intuitively—as so many of us on the planet are—you’ll soon realize there are many ways to becoming psychic. Some are ancient ways, some are new, and I won’t list them all […]
Double Vision: Does Everyone Have a Destined Career Path?

I have done all sorts of spiritual studies from acupuncture to hypnosis to psychology, but I haven’t found the right path for me. I have done volunteer work, paid work, and been self-employed, but after a while, I always lose interest. What I want is to just be a free spirit with no ties, to […]
Hoarding to Fill Emptiness: How to Tell if Spiritual Lack Is Causing Clutter Accumulation

Hoarding to Fill Emptiness: How to Tell if Spiritual Lack Is Causing Clutter Accumulation, by Alexandra Chauran (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) When I was in my early twenties, my life was as a pile of unsorted mementos. Fresh out of my parents’ home and merging my childhood and young adult belongings with […]