Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You don’t stop dancing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop dancing.” I love this! I know that, with my creaky and achy joints, I’m not as supple or as pain free as I was when I was a lot younger but, what am I going to do, never dance again when […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how BLESSED you are.” In our busy everyday lives it is very easy to get so caught up in it all that we forget or overlook the many blessings we have. We’re usually more taken up by how stressful our lives are and perhaps also the […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions.” I guess we have all been guilty of this at some time or another, I know I have. Sometimes we are just too nice, too trusting, and too easily led. Over time, it may become a pattern […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” When we are experiencing problems we don’t think of them as stop signs, oh no, we think of them as something we could really do without! Some problems are the result of our own actions and some aren’t but they are problems just the same so need […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You don’t stop dancing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop dancing.” I love this! I know that, with my creaky and achy joints, I’m not as supple or as pain free as I was when I was a lot younger but, what am I going to do, never dance again when […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how BLESSED you are.” In our busy everyday lives it is very easy to get so caught up in it all that we forget or overlook the many blessings we have. We’re usually more taken up by how stressful our lives are and perhaps also the […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions.” I guess we have all been guilty of this at some time or another, I know I have. Sometimes we are just too nice, too trusting, and too easily led. Over time, it may become a pattern […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” When we are experiencing problems we don’t think of them as stop signs, oh no, we think of them as something we could really do without! Some problems are the result of our own actions and some aren’t but they are problems just the same so need […]
Ask, “What’s Missing?”

An excerpt from Stop Checking Your Likes by Susie Moore Now more than ever, we as a society are addicted to our phones. Even more so, we are addicted to getting “likes” on our social media posts — and it can work like an actual addiction in our brain chemistry, activating the ventral striatum part […]
Second Opinions Aren’t Better Than Your First Feeling

An excerpt from Stop Checking Your Likes by Susie Moore Your intuition is the inner pressing of the wiser you. It’s the still, small voice inside giving you direction. It’s the oldest, wisest part of you. Notice how every time someone gives you vacation recos, they’ll describe the best activities based on what they did. […]