Double Vision: Does Sun Sign Indicate One’s Level of Spiritual Development?

Recently I was talking with some friends, one of whom is a novice astrologer, and she suggested that a person’s sun sign may reflect their level of spiritual development. According to her, Aries and Taurus people tend to be young souls, Leos and Virgos are somewhere in the middle, and Aquarius and Pisces people tend […]
Double Vision: Disembodied Voice Yelled her Name

While I was talking with my mother on the phone today, she told me that last week while she was watching TV, a lady’s voice yelled out her name. This voice came from behind her. When it happened, the family dog came out of the bedroom, barking wildly. Though my mother’s name was called out […]
Double Vision: Is Her Preschooler’s Imaginary Friend Harmless?

Lately my three-year-old son Isaac has been talking about a little boy he calls Jugger. He says the boy comes to visit him at night when he’s sleeping. Isaac says Jugger always wants him to come and play, but Isaac tells him he can’t because he’s sleeping. Yesterday I was putting Isaac’s shoes on him […]