Today’s Inspirational Quote
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement.” Have you noticed the constant bombardment of advertising we are exposed to on a daily basis? We all have access to the wider world thanks to new technology and this can be a good thing, enabling […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“A tree that is unbending is easily broken.” Now this is quite straightforward isn’t it? We all know that trees are usually firmly planted and sturdy don’t we? However, when a gale force wind blows and the tree doesn’t “give” in order to cope there is every chance that the wind will persevere until the […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“A heart that reaches out with love can heal a soul, and change a life.” Many of us don’t realise just how powerful love is and the magic it is capable of. Isn’t it wonderful and empowering to be aware that we all possess this magic within us and are free to choose how we […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Today is your day to let go of things that no longer serve you.” We periodically go through our wardrobes, closets, etc. and have a good clear out of the things that we no longer want to keep because we know we will never find a need for them in the future, or they no […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best of things that will ever happen to us.” This is so true don’t you think? Just for an example, I was married in my early 20’s to a man who turned out to be a thief and […]
Double Vision: Could She be Cursed?
Do you think it’s possible that I am cursed? Over the past 12 months, I have had nothing but bad luck. Anything and everything that could go wrong has done. No matter how hard I try or how much I focus on raising my energy and staying positive, life just seems to keep throwing obstacles […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“You must realise that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand, danger is very real, but fear is a choice.” This reminds me of the saying that “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”, which I have always thought of as very insightful and very true. […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Do one thing every day that scares you.” I don’t think this means to literally scare you but more that you should do something that gets the blood pumping through your veins. Something along the lines of perhaps joining a group that you’ve wanted to join for a while but getting to know a bunch […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Attitude is wonderful isn’t it? If we have a good attitude we are positive, ready to enjoy and cope with whatever the day presents us with, the people we encounter, the situations we find ourselves in. Like a cloak of invincibility we wear with confidence. […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Forgiveness doesn’t mean that what they did is okay. It means that you are no longer willing to carry toxic anger in your heart.” All of us, at one time or another, have known betrayal by someone else. Be it in a relationship, workplace, an acquaintance, a friendship, etc., and, no matter, how many times […]