Double Vision: He Keeps Seeing the Number 666

Hi, this is Jonathan. I’m a Gemini from California. Recently I have begun to come across the number 666 frequently, and am wondering what this might mean. Astrea: While the Christian Bible refers to the number 666 as The Number of the Beast, I think this whole subject has been wildly exaggerated to cause a […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth “You owe me!” Look what happens with a love like that…it lights the whole sky.” Love should be unselfish shouldn’t it? When we love someone totally, with all our heart, our very being, we think of them and their best interests before ourselves. […]
Double Vision: Do All Babies See Spirits?

This question is about my one-year-old son. Throughout my life, I have felt the presence of Spirit around me but have never seen spirits or anything like that. My son, however, will sit in his highchair or stand pointing upward. He will talk and talk and laugh like he is having a conversation with someone. […]
Double Vision: Is Phantom Doorbell Delivering Relationship Advice?

During the wee hours of this morning, I heard incessant doorbell ringing. My eyes flew open and my heart was racing. Naturally, when you hear a doorbell ringing during the middle of the night, you think it must be bad news. I shook it off and calmed down. I went back to sleep and another […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“There is no security in this life. There is only opportunity.” This is like saying there is no certainty in life so make the best of it, don’t you think? Nothing is secure or lasts forever. Things change from second to second, from minute to minute, hour to hour. Don’t let this ever prevent you […]
Double Vision: One Room in House Gives Her the Creeps

I have this strange feeling that we need to move from our current home. I feel like there is so much negative energy here dragging my family down. The house seems dark all the time; one room in the house in particular really scares me. We do not use the room as I don’t want […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth “You owe me!” Look what happens with a love like that…it lights the whole sky.” Love should be unselfish shouldn’t it? When we love someone totally, with all our heart, our very being, we think of them and their best interests before ourselves. […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“There is no security in this life. There is only opportunity.” This is like saying there is no certainty in life so make the best of it, don’t you think? Nothing is secure or lasts forever. Things change from second to second, from minute to minute, hour to hour. Don’t let this ever prevent you […]
Double Vision: Clinical Therapist Perceives Attached Entity

This question is inspired by an experience I had while engaging with a client in a therapy session. I am a natural empath, have studied energy healing, and have been known to see a spirit or two in my time, but this takes the cake. I’m still trying to understand what happened. I met with […]
Double Vision: Recurring Dreams of Special Room

I dream of this same room repeatedly. In my dreams, this room is in my house, but it’s not in my real house. To reach it, you have to go up a long staircase and there is a small area before you reach the door to the room. The room is usually empty, like we […]