Dirt Magic & Spirituality: 6 Spells Using Dirt from 3 Different Locations

Dirt Magic & Spirituality: 6 Spells Using Dirt from 3 Different Locations, by Charity L. Bedell (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Witchcraft is often referred to as a nature-based religion. One way that the connection between nature spirituality and natural magic can be seen is by working with dirt in a magical and […]
Divination: Using Palms, the Tarot, and the Dictionary to Tell the Future

Divination: Using Palms, the Tarot, and the Dictionary to Tell the Future, by Beleta Greenaway (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Throughout the centuries, divination has been used to investigate future events. Many methods have been tried and tested in the hope of revealing hidden answers. I have held a fascination for this subject […]
The Power of Using Playing Cards for Divination

The Power of Using Playing Cards for Divination, by Stephen Ball (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Playing cards have been with us for centuries, but they’re less popular in divination today than more famous systems such as the tarot. This is partly because the few definitions we have for reading poker-style decks are […]
6 Simple Jar Spells Using Common Household Objects

6 Simple Jar Spells Using Common Household Objects, by Charity L. Bedell (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Container magic is a field of magic that has become popular today, with spell balls and jar spells being posted regularly on social media. One of the reasons for the popularity for these types of spells […]
Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships

Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships, by Master Denise Lotta Dennis (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Did you know that certain homes can support and ignite affairs, divorce, being bullied at work, conflict with family members, lawsuits, and other very unpleasant and disrupting events? Feng Shui techniques can find these […]
Using the Tarot to Understand Your Self and Your Divinity

Using the Tarot to Understand Your Self and Your Divinity, by Sasha Graham (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) You are the universe. You are divine. You are pure consciousness. Everything you see, notice, observe, listen to, eat, laugh at, make fun of, enjoy and dislike, resist and surrender to is the universe seeing […]
The Power of Using Oracles

The Power of Using Oracles, by Jeannie Reed (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Between 1912 and 1922, the great German Romantic poet, Rainer Maria Rilke, wrote a series of ten poems dedicated to the one he loved. The Duino Elegies is a romantic, evocative, heartfelt, and deeply inspiring collection. The poems are emotionally […]
By Glove and Cowl: Using Sewing Magick to Boost Our Words

By Glove and Cowl: Using Sewing Magick to Boost Our Words, by Raechel Henderson (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) On one of the last nice days of September, I met up with a friend in Chicago. We hadn’t seen each other in a few years, despite living only an hour away from each […]
Using Yoga to Cure Insomnia
Using Yoga to Cure Insomnia, by Thomas Polkinghorne (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) You are in bed, trying to get some sleep before you leave for work tomorrow morning. You know that if you do not get any sleep tonight, then tomorrow you will come into work drowsy and unfocused. Glancing over at […]
Using Feng Shui to Stage Your Home

Using Feng Shui to Stage Your Home, by Christine Ayers (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Feng shui has been used to make homes more welcoming for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. In selling a home, this factor alone can make the difference for a quick sale. If your home has been sitting […]