Double Vision: Is infidelity ever forgivable?

Is infidelity ever forgivable? Two weeks have passed since my Aries man broke my heart. We had been in a seemingly wonderful relationship for eight years when this happened. I am shocked at some behavior I’ve never “noticed” before, and am finding it difficult to understand. I’m also an Aries, but I have a very […]
Double Vision: Could She Be a Mermaid?

My mom told me that two weeks prior to my birth, she had a dream in which she was sitting by the sea when all of a sudden the sea parted, and right in the middle of the sea walking towards her was a beautiful woman in white, carrying a tiny baby girl. She said […]
Double Vision: Is it Possible to Bring People Back from the Dead?

I recently spent a couple of week’s at a friend’s country house, and the most amazing thing happened while I was there. She has a dog, Mandy, that she dearly loves. One day as we were working in the yard, we heard a loud yelp, and when we turned to look, we saw her dog […]
Double Vision: Were Foggy Green Lights Departed Grandfather?

My grandfather died a few weeks ago. I was over at my grandmother’s house last night until midnight, after which I went home and lay down to go to sleep. All of the sudden, I felt very warm in my face. This made me really hot like I wanted to kick off the covers. I […]