Double Vision: Do People Dream in Black and White? Or Color?

A while ago I heard that some people dream in black and white (at least some of the time), and that dreams in black and white have some special meaning but I don’t remember what it was. I can’t remember ever dreaming in black and white, but then recently, I was talking with a friend […]
Double Vision: Same Dream on the Same Night?

A while back, I received an email from a friend who lives across the country. I hadn’t talked to her in a few months. She said that she was dropping me a line to say hello. She was thinking about me because she had had a dream about me the night before. In her dream, […]
Double Vision: Witch Says an Entire Coven Put a Nasty Spell on Her

I was born February 21, 1985. For a while, I was around a powerful coven of witches. They turned against me and put a spell on me. I don’t know the name of the spell; all I know is that I don’t have my mind and thoughts to myself anymore. I am able to hear […]
Double Vision: Disembodied Voice Yelled her Name

While I was talking with my mother on the phone today, she told me that last week while she was watching TV, a lady’s voice yelled out her name. This voice came from behind her. When it happened, the family dog came out of the bedroom, barking wildly. Though my mother’s name was called out […]
Double Vision: How to Safely Integrate One’s Shadow

I have been working for a while to integrate some of the darker aspects of my psyche and become a more balanced person. Recent developments have added more urgency to this. I do a lot of remote energy healing for close friends who have asked for my assistance. I do most of this work out […]
Double Vision: Clinical Therapist Perceives Attached Entity

This question is inspired by an experience I had while engaging with a client in a therapy session. I am a natural empath, have studied energy healing, and have been known to see a spirit or two in my time, but this takes the cake. I’m still trying to understand what happened. I met with […]
Double Vision: Does Dream Reveal Guardian Angel?

A few months ago, I was sort of hit by a car while crossing the street. I say sort of because even though the car should have hit me dead on, somehow it just grazed me and knocked me to the side of the road. I can distinctly remember being right in front of the […]