Double Vision: White Shadow is Reaching Out

I see and feel a white wavy shadow on my right side. It tries to communicate with me, touch the right side of my face, change the temperature of my body, and mostly try to possess my body or take me to the spiritual side. This started about three months ago, and now I’m able […]
Double Vision: Murder Through the Murderer’s Eyes

I dreamed that I was a white male, mid 20s. I do not remember seeing this male before outside of this dream. I was a gang member and I was with other gang members that I have never seen before. One of them tried to show me up, and I tried to ignore him. He […]
White Spells on the Go

White Spells on the Go, by Ileana Abrev (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Sadly, White Spells on the Go is the last of the White Spells series, but the one that has been the most fun to work on. I got together with my family before I started this project and we talked […]