Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the Afterlife

Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the Afterlife, by Kristy Robinett (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The phrase “Rest in Peace” (or R.I.P.) originated from the Latin, “Requiescat in pace,” which comes from a prayer within the Roman Catholic burial liturgy that means “may he (or she) rest in peace.” It […]

Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the Afterlife

Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the Afterlife, by Kristy Robinett (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The phrase “Rest in Peace” (or R.I.P.) originated from the Latin, “Requiescat in pace,” which comes from a prayer within the Roman Catholic burial liturgy that means “may he (or she) rest in peace.” It […]