Q and A Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships

Q and A with Elisa Romeo, MFT & Adam Foley Authors of Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships Our deepest common human desire is to be met deeply, intimately and with unconditional love. Why is it, then, that what we most yearn for is one of the most elusive things to find and […]

Double Vision: She Forgave but She Can’t Forget

Three years ago, I caught my husband with his secretary in bed in my house. It was devastating for me because my husband generally looks down on people who flirt and have extra marital affairs. I was so shocked that I had no words to express my hurt and anger. Though the woman was married, […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” That first step to change is always the hardest. We struggle with letting go of old habits and embracing new ones. We fear taking a risk. Intellectually, we can find a thousand reasons not to try. As we close out 2015 and begin a brand new year, […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“In life, surround yourself with those who light your path.” This is the opposite of “misery loves company” I think. And it is so true that the nature of the people we surround ourselves with dictates our own nature. In this holiday season, if we can’t be around people who light our path, let’s BE […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Our greatest battles are those with our own minds.” Okay, I confess, I cannot make a decision! Being asked to decide between two, or several options, puts me in total panic and I usually seek the opinion of those nearest to me. There is so much goes on in our minds every day, not only […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Surround yourself with people who empower you to become better.” Oh I do, I do! Everybody I know, family, friends and colleagues, all inspire me to become a better me, not only as a person but at what I do to earn a living. I imagine you are the same? Through time, we all tend […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Be with someone who brings out the best in you, not the stress in you.” This is just common sense don’t you think? I mean, why would you surround yourself with people who raise your blood pressure and get the blood bubbling in your veins with anger or annoyance? I realise that sometimes it can’t […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.” So simple, so true! I believe that we all begin life with the ability to achieve. Unfortunately, some of us are born into circumstances of poverty, careless or cruel parenting, physically handicapped, etc., therefore opportunities to achieve, if any, may be […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Don’t get upset with people or situations; both are powerless without your reaction.” Very true don’t you think? However, not easy for most of us not to react when people or a situation are causing us upset. I can see the logic here though. If we do allow whatever is happening to provoke a response […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Light tomorrow with today.” Lovely words eh? I guess this just means that what we do today, if we do it well enough and with love, can be carried forward into tomorrow and, perhaps, the day after……….. This may not necessarily mean bringing “light” to us personally but perhaps to someone who needs it more. […]